
Fullstack web developer and IT consultant located in Monterrey, MX.
Web solutions architect with a business drive.

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I'm a Software Engineer

Computer Science @ Tec de Monterrey class of June 2024.

I use the web platform to build applications. Since the beginning for me it has been the easiest way to ship my projects and prototype quickly, hence I turned myself mainly into a frontend developer with a bit of expertise in backend and UI/UX design.

If you are interested in what I could do for you... well there are two things:

  • Web development

    I have +2 years of experience as a web developer. Building from landing pages, to full fledged web apps, for both startups & companies.
  • IT Consulting

    I've worked with clients to help them adopt technology into their business process without the need to code.


Monterrey, N.L, Mexico

Apple computer with IDE open in front of a window
Liked by Tec de Monterrey and 568 others

jdelbarco_ Little experiment built with Framer Motion and Tailwind CSS

(Photo by Oscar Yildiz)


These are some projects I've worked on so far...

Tools I use
(and recommend)

They are not just for web development, but for everything!


UI framework with most support by far, and it's widely adopted


Building cool stuff has never been easier for me with this tool

Tailwind CSS

Saves time and reduces complexity. Also, you can take control over your design


Fastest way to ship frontend into the web


For its great developer experience and autocomplete features


Easier to use for Algorithms & Data Structures and crazy projects

Newsletter coming up!

Reading news articles and watching tech videos was why I started to study Computer Science. It's a pretty dynamic environment.